Modern engineering develops through computer simulation combined with the experience and expertise of specialized mechanical engineers.

We have experience with the most widespread CAD tools of mechanical design:


Our skills:

Studio integrato del packaging
Integrated study of the packaging and solutions in order to create it
Analisi e sviluppo di nuovi sistemi di gestione del prodotto
Analysis and development of new product management systems
Progettazione di linee integrate per l'imballaggio
Design of integrated lines for packaging
macchine automatiche packaging
Analysis and optimization of automatic machine layout in function of the product ranges concerned
Progettazione macchine automatiche packaging
Conception of new mechanics solutions for automation
progettazione meccanica con obiettivi
Review of mechanics systems with specific functional objectives
Revisione di sistemi meccanici a raggiungimento di costi produttivi
Review of mechanics systems to meet predefined production costs
Integrated guidelines designed for the assembly of components and micro-components

Automation and packaging:

macchine automatiche per il packaging alimentare bevande
Automation applied to food- beverage
macchine automatiche per il packaging alimentare - cioccolata
Automation applied to food- chocolate
macchine automatiche per packaging sigarette
Automation applied to tobacco
macchine automatiche settore automotive
Automation applied to the automotive sector
macchine automatiche packaging alimentare insaccati e affettati
Automation applied to packed and sliced foods
macchine automatiche packaging settore carta
Automation applied to paper
Automation applied to pharmaceutical